30 Biblical Definitions Every Believer Needs to Know

Common language is an important part of organizational culture, but did you know that it’s also a powerful component of Christianity?

If you’re a newer believer, it might feel like people in your church or Bible study are speaking a different language. That’s why we’ve created a go-to resource that will serve as your translation manual.

Read on to learn 30 biblical definitions every believer needs to know.

  1. Apostle: A title referencing any of Jesus’ 12 disciples after the resurrection of Christ, but sometimes references other Christ followers with whom Jesus revealed Himself physically after the resurrection, such as Paul.
  1. Atonement: As the central message of the saving gospel, atonement is the work of Jesus on the cross by which He removed our sin penalty by giving His own life, thus allowing sinners to be reconciled with God.
  1. Baptism: One of the two ordinances of the church, baptism uses water (either by sprinkling the individual or fully immersing) as an outward symbol of an inward reality. Baptism is the demonstration of being a Christ-follower.
  1. Church Leadership: The leadership of the church is made up of elders (lead, teach, and care for the people) and deacons (serve and care for the people) who have authority to lovingly lead the people of God in particular church.
  1. Church: The church is made up of those who have put their faith in Jesus and are committed to following Him together as they conduct the ordinances (baptism and communion), preach the gospel, live in community with one another, and shine as a beacon of hope to a watching world.
  1. Communion: One of the two ordinances of the church, communion is an experiential symbol of the death of Jesus Christ for sinners. Using the elements of the bread, which represents Jesus’ body that was crushed on the cross, and the wine or juice, which represents Jesus’ blood that was spilled on the cross, the church remembers together the great sacrifice of Jesus and uses communion as a way to help wait for His return.
  1. Conversion: The moment an individual places their faith upon Jesus for their salvation when they are declared righteous and forgiven by God, thus converted from being far from God to now being accepted and justified in Christ.
  1. Denomination: A group of Christians that has formed distinct practices and doctrine that separates themselves from other Christians.
  1. Discipleship: The process of following Jesus alongside other believers.
  1. Doctrine: A statement(s) describing a set of beliefs that is grounded in the Word of God and are theologically sound.
  1. Doxology: The study or act of worship by which believers ascribe worth, glory, and praise to God.
  1. Epistle: A genre of the New Testament that is written as a letter to a church or a specific person for their edification.
  1. Evangelism: The act of bearing witness to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and calling others to put their faith in Jesus.
  1. Faith: The on-going and personal commitment to trust and believe.
  1. Fellowship: One of the joys experienced by the people of God in the church, fellowship is necessary for encouragement and community with other believers in the Christian life. 
  1. Fruit of the Spirit: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are the fruit of the Spirit produced in the life of the believer in Jesus when one walks in the power and presence of the Spirit and not in sin. 
  1. Heaven and Hell: When individuals die they either go to heaven or hell. Heaven is the destination for those who trust in Jesus and are saved where they will be given glorified bodies and will enjoy being with God forever in a sinless, painless, and perfect place. Hell is the destination for those who did not trust in Jesus who will experience eternity separated from God and will experience torment as the righteous punishment for their sin against a holy and eternal God.
  1. Hermeneutics: The art and science of studying the Bible using helpful methods and tools that leads to interpreting the Bible.
  1. Imago Dei: The Latin translation of “image of God,” this term is used to describe God creating mankind in His image, resulting in every single person having immense worth, value, and the unique ability to reflect and connect with the Creator.
  1. Prayer: Prayer is talking with and being with God. Through adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication, believers are able to worshipfully communicate with God in order to build intimacy with Him.
  1. Repentance: The on-going discipline of owning, confessing, and turning from the sin.
  1. Salvation: Salvation refers to the process of sinners becoming justified, sanctified, and glorified through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  1. Sanctification: The progressive and continuous journey of a believer looking more and more like Jesus.
  1. Sin: Due to the original sin by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, all of humanity is now tainted by sin and is part of our nature. Sin separates humanity from a holy God when we choose to disobey God in thought, desire, or action.
  1. Spiritual Gifts: Every believer is given a spiritual gift(s) by the Holy Spirit for the education of the church and as a means of growth for the individual.
  1. Spiritual Warfare: Spiritual forces wage war in an effort to either assist or hinder believers. Despite being unable to see the spiritual realm, believers are to be aware and engage in spiritual warfare by putting on the armor of God outlined in Ephesians 6.
  1. Testimony: The personal story of an individual that tells their journey to salvation.
  1. The Ascension: After Jesus revealed Himself to many witnesses and the apostles after His resurrection, He ascended back to heaven so that the Spirit can now live in believers.
  1. The Fall: Refers to the first time sin entered the world by Adam and Eve’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden. Now, all of humanity and God’s world is marred by sin and its consequences.
  1. Trinity: The three distinct persons of the Godhead (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit) who are one and unified, yet possess unique roles.

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This list isn’t exhaustive, but we hope it serves as a launching point for you as you learn and grow in your faith. What word would you add to the list?

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