8 Best Christian Marriage Books to Read for Couples

Just married? It’s hard to believe that the honeymoon phase is ever going to end.

But as you’re going to soon find out, if you haven’t already, marriage takes work. And to ensure your marriage is going to stand the test of time, and not end in divorce, like half of all marriages do, it takes intentionality to keep the fire going.

Luckily, there are many amazing resources available to help you and your spouse to grow individually and together, to ensure your marriage gets better every single year.

But with so many Christian marriage books to choose from, it can seem hard to choose which one to read first.

Keep reading to discover the eight best marriage books for Christians, so you can learn how to effectively talk to your spouse, improving your marriage on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

1. The Five Love Languages

The Five Love Languages is one of the foundational books on marriage. With millions of copies sold around the world and translations into many different languages, it’s clear to see how powerful this book is.

In the book, you’ll discover the five main ways that people long to receive love, and how you can express love to others. By discovering the ways your spouse feels most loved, appreciated, and known, you can start to communicate love in fresh, simple ways today.

With this book, it doesn’t take months or years to start improving your marriage. It gives you the guidance you need to start improving your relationship right away.

2. The Meaning of Marriage

In our day in age, the definition of marriage is constantly changing. Influenced by popular culture, most people learn the world’s definition of marriage, expecting it to lead to happily ever after.

But in The Meaning of Marriage, New York Time’s best-selling author, Timothy Keller, provides a roadmap on what marriage was originally intended to be. It shares the Biblical framework of why marriage exists and what it should look like.

If you are looking to build a marriage that lasts forever, full of wonder, mystery, and contentment, then you need to understand God’s plan for marriage, which goes far beyond romance.

3. Love and Respect

Love and Respect is a book based on many years of counseling, scientific research, and in-depth biblical study to help couples understand what their spouse needs. And when you understand what they need, you can truly love them the way they long to be loved.

In the book, you’ll discover that a wife’s greatest need is to feel loved. And when that happens, she is content. And a husband’s greatest need is to feel respect. When he feels respected, he will be content.

When both partners are experiencing love the way they need it, the marriage can flourish, leading to closeness, intimacy, peace, and growth.

4. Sacred Marriage

In Sacred Marriage, most couples realize for the first time that their marriage isn’t actually about them. It comes as a shock, but marriage is not about your personal happiness and contentment.

Your marriage is actually about God, and the way he longs to relate to his people. Marriage is intended to drive people closer to God, helping us to better reflect Jesus to the world around us.

The book provides insight into how marriage is a discipline that cultivates holiness in our lives. And as a bonus, this holiness leads to greater happiness.

5. Keep Your Love On

While not exclusively about marriage, the wisdom found in Keep Your Love On by Danny Silk will radically transform your marriage. The book paints a picture of the love of Jesus. This mature love stays on, no matter what.

Even when Jesus is sleep-deprived, busy, hungry, and about to be murdered, he keeps his love on. As a result, lives are restored and relationships are saved. Learning to keep your love on in your marriage can ensure a constant connection with your spouse, even in the most trying times.

And the book itself will encourage you in all of your relationships, such as with your coworkers, your neighbors, and everyone else you meet. It can also encourage you when helping to raise faith-filled kids.  

6. You and Me Forever

In You and Me Forever, Francis Chan flips the idea of marriage on its head. The best-selling author, pastor, and church planter shows us that the best way to cultivate a healthy, thriving marriage is to not focus on marriage.

As is often the case, the wisdom of Jesus seems upside down. When we focus on our marriage and striving to find fulfillment, we will be left empty. But when we devote ourselves to the purposes of God as a married couple, then we discover the true joy that marriage provides.

7. The Love Dare

Looking to revitalize your marriage in 40 days? Then it’s time to take the love dare.

The Love Dare topped the New York Time’s Bestseller list and later become the movie Fireproof. The book is essentially a 40-day challenge for husbands and wives to practice true, unconditional love every single day.

Of course, it’s not easy. Unconditional love is the love that Jesus modeled and it took him to the cross. But learning to walk in unconditional love will yield true intimacy and will pave the way to a thriving, dynamic relationship.

8. Intended for Pleasure

Intended for Pleasure is a sex manual that combines biblical teaching, medical information on sexuality and pleasure. The author encourages married couples to make their sexual relationship the fulfilling experience it was meant to be. With basic facts, illustrations of all facets of human sexuality in mind this easy-to-read reference book will help guide you through your journey into intimacy with one another


Cultivate a Better Relationship With the Best Christian Marriage Books

With so many marriage book options available these days, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and never pick up a marriage book. But it’s vital that you don’t get complacent in your marriage, as it takes a lifelong commitment to growth in order to sustain a healthy relationship.

Be proactive in your marriage by choosing one of the Christian marriage books above to dive into together with your spouse. And even if you only take away one thing from each book, your marriage is going to be that much better.

Looking for other ways you can grow in your relationship with God and with people? You can stream all of our past messages online today to fill your mind with truth on a daily basis.

A Place for Your Marriage

Looking to strengthen your marriage or relationships? Foothills has a place for you. 

We have upcoming events and retreats for you and your spouse to refresh your marriage.